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Open Heart helped my journey on becoming sober

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

Sara, USA

I made a conscious choice to stop drinking alcohol on Friday, July 2nd 2021, and I started my first OH4E session ‘Bye Busy Mind, Hello Happy Heart’ on Saturday, July 10th 2021. I wanted to mention that I didn’t start the series because of my decision to stop drinking but I realized after starting the series how much it helped me in my new journey.

As I was starting my new days of clarity of being sober, I was able to practice what I was learning from the Open Heart Meditation sessions daily. I found myself eager for our next sessions together because finally, I was learning to love, smile and let go. In my past, I had always had many self-talks with myself on how I wasn’t a good enough mother, wife, employee, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. It wasn’t until I stopped drinking that I realize alcohol wasn’t actually helping all my negative thoughts.

I don’t believe it was an accident that I found this Open Heart Meditation series around the same time I wanted to stop drinking. The universe knew what it was doing and I will always be grateful to the instructors and friends that I made during this time.

I am still sober and during difficult days I remember to touch my heart, smile and find peace, that it is okay to love myself and give love to others. In a time with so much uncertainty, we need to appreciate ourselves and to be there for others. What is a world without love and kindness?

It is still a work in progress of stopping the self-negative talk but when I feel this way, I go back to the Open Heart sessions and use the practices that I learned. It really helps me.

Thank you so much.

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